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The Path of Life Mastery

For ambitious men who know that they're capable of more and

ready to reclaim their best version of self and start living a more fulfilling life.

Lift your head and see this new horizon.

Vigour, strength and purpose. Ignited.
Confident. Grounded. Masculine presence. Restored.

You're about to:

Take control of your life.

Connect with your higher vision.

Become a man of action.

and make it happen.



Current Life Overview

Together we will take an overview assessment of your current position in life. Each area of your life will be assessed (Health, Wealth, Relationships) so that we can start taking back control.


Eliminating the Vampires

Together we will locate and eliminate the energy leaks, drains and vampires from your life as we clear the way for your vision to come through.



THE MAP. North Star Alignment

Connecting you with your inspired vision, goals and direction. Gain clarity and determination.

At this point, you will now have your personal map for success.


Become a Man of Action

You'll increase your performance and productivity as we build serious momentum together each week. Lewis will be in your corner to not only hold you accountable but also to work through any resistance that may arise as you start taking consistent daily action.



Harvest. Victory. Reward.

90 days of consistent action and overcoming will produce fruits of labour. Achieve your personal goals and start living life on your terms. Improve your personal confidence, health, wealth and relationships.

"Lewis, I've been fucking terrific."

"My depression has lifted..."

"My son noticed I was making jokes again and commented, "oh he's back."

"A woman at the health suite said that I looked different and that whatever I was doing, keep doing it."

"When my wife comes to me with a problem, I've been witnessing her instead of trying to fix her."

Vigour, strength and purpose ignited.

Confident. Grounded. Masculine presence. Restored.


This Path Includes:

  • Get equipped with your own personal map for success and to becoming the Master of Your Life in all areas (Wealth, Health, Relationships)

  • Raise Your Standards and Reignite your fire for life with a clear system for goal setting.

  • Escape apathy and stagnation with a personal 90-day coaching plan with Lewis

  • ELIMINATE psychological Self-sabotage from your life.

  • Take back control and inject truth into your life as you become the man that women love and men respect.

  • Finally make your vision of success happen with weekly accountability and momentum.

  • Success loves speed. NO BS. Fast, effective, and straight to the point.

  • NO MORE EXCUSES. You'll receive 90 days of exclusive 1-to-1 coaching with Lewis where you'll be held accountable to your highest version of self.

  • Have Lewis in your corner every step of the way to help you overcome mental resistance. aka "The Growing Pains."

  • Private and Confidential Sessions via Online video Call

  • Satisfaction Guarantee on First Session

Risk Nothing.


I get it. You're trying something new for the first time and you want to ensure that this works. 


For that reason, all of Lewis' clients receive a satisfaction guarantee on the first session. 


Lewis expects the men that he works with to come away from session 1 with a genuine and tangible sense of progress.

If you don't, or this approach isn't right for you then you will receive a full money-back refund on your investment.

What People Say. 

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Take Your Next Step.

Schedule your initial consultation with Lewis. 

This call is designed to give us the best opportunity to gain clarity on your presenting challenge, your desired results, and whether this is genuinely the right solution for you. 

Lewis will be there to answer all of your questions and advise you properly. 

Name: *

Email: *


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